New poll finds politicians are nation’s biggest problem

Posted on January 2, 2015 by


It’s a great sign. The American public is saying they know the dysfunction in Washington is real. Aware enough to label it their number one concern. It’s a Gallup poll released today on what we think are the nation’s biggest problems. Number one:

the people who run our federal government.

We’ll link you to the survey results in a moment. But recognizing them as the top problem is a change that could, eventually, lead to a more productive, mature (as in not acting like children), respectful and civil government. A lot of other pieces need to fall into place to make a difference but this may be an important first step.

Here’s Gallup’s report:

PRINCETON, N.J. — In 2014, four issues generated enough public concern over enough months for at least 10% of Americans, on average, to identify each of them as the nation’s most important problem. Complaints about government leadership — including President Barack Obama, the Republicans in Congress and general political conflict — led the list, at 18%.

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