Australia’s respectful approach to gun safety

Posted on December 18, 2013 by


The land down under has a different idea. It doesn’t involve a prohibition on owning guns or anything extreme like that but it seems to us like a common sense idea.

Here’s a report from the British newspaper, The Guardian, last Thursday. It’s part of a series titled, “Lessons for America”:

“When will the US learn from Australia? Stricter gun control laws save lives”
After our own mass murder, Australia didn’t ban guns, but we passed stronger regulations. Gun deaths dropped dramatically

(Photo: Following the passage of stricter laws, Australian gun deaths have dropped by two-thirds. Photograph: Whitney Curtis/Getty Images)

The mass murder in Newtown, Connecticut a year ago caused shock and sorrow all around the world. In Australia it also revived memories of our own horror on a similar scale, when dozens of people innocently going about their day were gunned down by a disturbed young man.

Our tragedy occurred in 1996 at the Port Arthur historic site in Tasmania, one of Australia’s most popular tourist destinations. The dead numbered 35, with more than 20 others injured.

The victims ranged in age from 3 to 72. They included children, teens, adults and seniors; tourists and local workers; several couples, a pair of brothers, a mother and her two little daughters, and members of a retirees’ club on an outing.

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Posted in: Guns, NRA, Terror